Shutdown fails with ORA-24324, ORA-24323, ORA-01090  

Posted by Mawahid

Problem Description:

Shut down oracle database (shutdown normal/shutdown immediate) fails with following errors.

ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-24323: value not allowed
ORA-01090: shutdown in progress - connection is not permitted

Cause of the Problem:

The problem happened because background processes are hanging/not stared correctly during the previous startup of this database. Hence the smeaphores and shared memory segements are not getting detached properly now during shutdown.

Solution of the Problem:

1) Verify that there are no background processes owned by "oracle"

$ ps -ef | grep ora_ | grep $ORACLE_SID

If background processes exist, remove them by using the Unix "kill" command.
For example to kill a process ID number 1200 issue,

$ kill -9 1200

2) Verify that no shared memory segments and semaphores that are owned by "oracle" still exist.

If there are shared memory segments and semaphores owned by "oracle", remove the shared memory segments and semaphores.

A) checking and removing shared memory.

 Verify the shared memory segment by,

$ ipcs -mt

To remove shared memory segment issue,

$ ipcrm -m Shared_Memory_ID_Number 

where Shared_Memory_ID_Number must be replace by shared memory id number.
B) checking and removing semaphores
Check the semaphores by,

$ipcs -sbt

To remove the semaphores issue,

$ ipcrm -s Semaphore_ID_Number 

where Semaphore_ID_Number must be replaced by your Semaphore ID Number.

3) Verify that file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/lk{db_name} does not exist where db_name is your actual database name.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ rm lk{db_name}

4) Verify that file "$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef{sid}.dbf" does not exist where sid is your actual database SID.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ rm sgadef{SID}.dbf

5) Exit sql*plus window, re login to sql*plus and try to bring up oracle one step at a time.

$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> startup nomount
SQL> alter database mount;
SQL> alter database open;

Note that while performing above steps it is recommended to first bring down all the other instances running on the server and then perform the above steps one by one. Re-booting the server will also fix this problem.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 8:06 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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